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Wasserbüffel suchen sich passende Freunde
Nicht nur Menschen suchen sich Freunde aufgrund von Ähnlichkeiten aus. Laut einer neuen Studie verbringen weibliche Wasserbüffel ihre Zeit am liebsten in der Nähe von Tieren, die eine ähnliche Persönlichkeit wie sie selbst haben.
Anche le bufale hanno le loro migliori amiche: lo studio sui legami d’amicizia negli animali
Un nuovo studio dimostra che le bufale instaurano legami di amicizia basati su tratti della personalità e comportamenti simili legati a tensione sociale
Buffalos build friendships based on similar personality traits
A study on water buffalo found that their friendships are based on shared personality traits, like dominance and vigilance.
城大動物福利專家研究發現 雌性野生水牛基於相近個性特質建立友誼 | 香港城市大学
雌性水牛群於大嶼山貝澳的田野中休息。 性情相近的人容易成為朋友,然而我們對於動物如何選擇同伴所知甚少。 香港城市大學(城大)的研究人員對大嶼山一群特定的野生水牛進行了一項新研究,發現基於某些個性特質的預測模式,水牛之間的空間接近程度可以作為友誼的指標。
Female water buffalo are building friendships
Animal welfare experts in Hong Kong conducted an observational study to determine social behaviors in this feral population of ungulates and found personality traits play a role
Feral Buffalo Forge Bonds on Shared Traits
HONG KONG (29 November 2024)—Similar social personalities strongly influence friendships in humans, yet we know relatively little about how animals
Зовсім як люди. Водяні буйволи вибирають друзів за характером
Учені з Міського університету Гонконгу зробили дивовижне відкриття: дикі водяні буйволи, що мешкають на острові Лантау, вибирають собі друзів на основі схожості характерів.
Wild Water Buffalo Have Friends Of Similar Personalities
It seems they prefer a home where the friendly buffalo roam.
Feral female buffalo build friendships based on similar personality traits, suggest animal welfare experts at CityUHK | City University of Hong Kong
Female buffaloes rest in the fields of Pui O on Lantau Island. Similar social personalities strongly influence friendships in humans, yet we know relatively little about how animals choose their friends.
Even in an extremely hierarchical monkey society, individuals help each other
Kan je praten met dieren? gemist? Start met kijken op NPO Start
Stefano Keizers vraagt zich af of je kunt praten met dieren. Het team wetenschappers bouwt een spraakcomputer voor honden. Een talkshow met honden zal hierdoor tot de mogelijkheden behoren.
Feral Dogs Respond to Human Hand Cues
Stray Dogs May Understand Human Signals, Too
A new study has found that strays in India, when presented with two covered food bowls, were more likely to approach the one an experimenter pointed toward
Is canine responsiveness to people innate?
Wolf pups and stray dogs pick up human cues with no training.
Stray dogs have the natural ability to understand human gestures
The research could lead to a more peaceful co-existence between free-roaming canines—which number hundreds of millions worldwide—and people.
Stray dogs may have a natural ability to understand human gestures
Melhor amigo? Estudo com cães de rua revela que eles nascem prontos para nos entender
Speaking a million words in a single gaze
Study finds how pet dogs, shelter dogs and free-ranging dogs react to human gaze.
Want dogs to like you? The key is to pat their head, say Indian scientists
Heavy petting key to becoming friends with dogs
Numbers mean strength, in a dog’s world too
A new study by researchers at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata, shows that dogs too have developed strategies to coexist with humans, and numbers play a role in it.
With humans around, dogs on the street tend to be friendlier
Researchers show how free-ranging dogs modify their behaviour and personalities based on our presence in urban areas.
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